Our Biggest Mess: Taping and Mudding

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My dad is still here working miracles! After the drywall is screwed to the wall, you have to go through and put tape over the seams and mud over the screw heads. The mud and tape make the wall smooth and are the next step in our process.

I’m so grateful that my dad is here. I try not to imagine how long this would take Thomas and I alone. I’ve had lots of great friends offer to watch the kids for a few hours in the morning, so I have been able to help move things along. It’s really exciting to see major results at the end of every day.

Dad and Crazy Neighbor are “hanging rock” in the kitchen, and I’ve been busy mudding. It’s so much better than doing insulation! A hundred times better than that nasty insulation!

Here is what the kitchen looked like today at lunch:

Oh my. I’m going to have to remember to wear a little make-up next time I’m working! Here I am “mudding”. See all the little white marks on the wall? That is what I’m doing – filling in the little holes where the screws are. The big chunky lines are the taped seams; Dad did those.

This tool belt, which I am told is also called a “nail apron”, is super handy! I have a pencil and screwdriver in it. Aren’t I fancy?

Crazy Neighbor and lots of mud and tape!

Living room:


Isn’t progress great!?

About Melissa

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  1. clarsen says:

    It is looking GREAT! YAY!

  2. Heather says:

    Bless you sweet woman. Sanding is the WORST. It’s is looking soo good. so excited to see tomorrow’s post!