Our Biggest Mess: Kitchen Floor (and a trip to the ER)

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Did you know that I love Mother’s Day? I love it for selfish reasons. You see, our wedding anniversary, Christmas, and my birthday are all just a few weeks apart. By the time my birthday rolls around it seems that everyone (including me) has a bit of celebration burn-out. Mother’s Day has really become a second birthday of sorts for me and I love it. Thomas and the babies spoil me and really let me know that they appreciate me. What’s not to love?
Sunday started off like any other wonderful Mother’s Day and ended with a bang. Thomas whipped up eggs and bacon for breakfast (can you see what he’s using to get the bacon? What a man. And can you spy the new kitchen floor?).

I got a fancy ice cream  maker that doesn’t need ice and salt. It whips up a batch of goodness in just 20 minutes! I’m so excited. Be prepared for ice cream recipes in your future.

We went to church, took naps, and got ready to visit Bonnie in the nursing home. My sister is on a mission in Argentina and she is able to call home twice a year: Christmas and Mother’s Day! I’d been looking forward to talking to her all week, so when her call came through I was ecstatic. I was on the porch chatting when I heard Henry crying. I didn’t address him, crying isn’t a new sound, and I only had ten minutes to talk to my sister until the phone call next Christmas. Henry walked around the corner of the house and he was covered in blood. I scooped him up and took him to his dad. Thomas got a towel on his head and decided he needed to go to the Emergency Room. One downside of small-town living is that none of the doctors have after-hours options and there isn’t even an instacare-type place. The hospital was our only option and it is a full 15 minutes away. I got the other kids into the car and then held Henry on my lap so that I could hold the towel to his head. He actually fell asleep on the way there which was weird, but at least he wasn’t crying!

The nurse in the ER got him all cleaned off and put some numbing medicine on the cut. When the doctor came in he told us he was hoping to glue the cut shut instead of stitching it. When he took the guaze off to take a look he was so rough – just poked and prodded! I could see Henry’s scalp bone when he looked at the cut. So gross. He said the cut was too big to glue and stitches would be needed. They had me take our two other kids out to the waiting room and Thomas stayed to help hold Henry down. I could hear him screaming in the waiting room which made me cry. It took 10 or 15 minutes to finish and then I was allowed back in. My poor baby looked terrible, but he was smiling again as soon as they were done.

We went home, ate some dinner, and went to bed. After enough correctly asked questions we figured out that Henry was looking for his “toady” (toad) who lives inside our sprinkler valve box (he does this a lot). While he was leaning over his hands must have slipped and he fell into the box and hit his head on the metal knob. When I went to turn on the sprinklers the next day the handle was bloody which made me feel sick to my stomach. Poor little man; at least it wasn’t anything worse.

Here’s the box the toad lives in:

Here’s how he looked today. Better, but still yucky.

Back up a day to Saturday. Thomas and his dad preparing the kitchen floor:

The baby was so helpful. 😉

And here’s the finished product! It’s snap-together, floating laminate flooring. It has a lot of red in it which is beautiful with the green walls. Our cabinets are the same color. I thought the cookies might help you gauge the color on your computer screen. 🙂

In December we rearranged the layout of our cabinets to fit in a dishwasher (yippee). We just bought the in-stock Maple cabinets from Home Depot, so when we needed to get another few cabinets we just assumed that in-stock meant in-stock. We went to grab the other cabinets we needed on Friday night and to order our carpet only to find out that they did not have the cabinets that we need and we will have to wait 2 weeks to have them shipped here. I could have cabinets and a real sink right now, but I don’t. I was devastated. I called my mom sobbing. If I had only known, I would have a pretty complete kitchen right now. Lesson learned: never assume “in-stock” means they’ll have what you need.

So now my kitchen looks like this instead of complete like I thought it would today.

On a brighter note, Thomas did start on my pantry. I’m in love already.

I’m in love with the floor and so are the kids. Henry kept laying on it and rolling around on top of it. When he woke up on Sunday morning he asked if he could eat breakfast on it. It’s fun to see them excited about our progress.

Now I just have to wait for the cabinets to come in and the carpet should go in just behind them. The floor won’t be so dirty and dusty all of the time once the carpet is in. I can’t even wait; it’s really starting to look and feel like a house again.

If your new here, I’d love for you to take a look around. More info on our remodel is under the “Our Biggest Mess” tab at the top.

About Melissa

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  1. Katie says:

    Oh no! I’m glad Henry is ok! Talk about scary! The floors look amazing! I’m so excited to watch the rest of this come together 🙂

  2. Heather says:

    I noticed the floor before the pliers. It is just so beautiful (as in the floor not the part that you have to wait 2 more weeks). In stock, in my voca is…strangely enough, able to pick up that day too. Let the count down begin. I am so sorry I was not there to take your other kids so you could be with Henry too. Heart breaking hearing him scream. Let’s refocus…flooring done…flooring done….Happy summer!

  3. Jessie says:

    I am glad Henry is okay! I saw the post the other day with the bloody eyebrow, poor guy! The kitchen is looking great! Just think you may have a sink kinda soon! YAY! It’s really starting to look like a HOME. 🙂

  4. sophia blue says:

    Such building projects, home builders usually start with the kitchen. Looking pertaining to style and durability, most homeowners will choose granite for kitchen countertops. Nevertheless, stone countertops such as granite are almost impossible to acquire for those with a low budget.

  5. Pamela R says:

    Omg I’m so sorry to hear about your son! That must have been horrifying 🙁 Oh the joys of motherhood! On another note your kitchen is coming along amazingly!

  6. Kristin says:

    Your house is coming along! You all are such hard workers. Hearing poor Henry’s story reminded me of when Brandon got stitches all over again:( I really do think the hardest part is holding them down. I cried too, don’t you worry!

  7. Maggie999 says:

    I’ve been following your blog for awhile and I have to say, I’ve never been this excited to see floors go in someone else’s house! Yay on the floors! Love the paint choices too!

  8. Simonds Family says:

    Hooray! It’s so exciting seeing it all come together! I love the floors and kitchen color.