Our Biggest Mess: Kitchen Cabinets

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This isn’t the big “tada” post that I planned on, but life sure is happening around here. My mom won’t stand to wait another day either, so here are a few pictures!
Before we get started, did you check out that eclipse yesterday? The tree diffused the light just right and we could see the shadow of the moon all over the house. It was pretty spectacular. Thomas loves things like this and it’s so fun to see him excited about it.

One more interruption. I decided to take the doors off the top and remove two vertical pieces of wood that the doors were attached to on the hutch I got on Saturday. I am in love with how it is looking after two coats of primer and the changes.Kitchen Cabinets

And on to the cabinets!

Here they are in all their cabinet glory.

Kitchen Cabinets


So it’s pretty lived-in at the moment. I haven’t put anything in the cabinets yet and have been trying to get the hutch done instead. I’ll whip things into shape and take some better pictures soon. We still need to put in the dishwasher, the microwave and hood over the oven, the wood panel on the back of the bar, lighting, trim… Lots left to do but it is totally functioning and I am in kitchen heaven.

I was washing something up on Sunday night at the new sink and a warm breeze brought the perfume of the orange roses that are blooming under the window in. It was one of those moments when everything felt right and that I’ll remember for a long long time.

Thanks so much for reading. It’s so much fun to share our milestones with you.

About Melissa

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  1. clarsen says:


  2. Nettie says:

    Holy lots of room!!! I would dare say it will be worth the wait… {of course I am not the one waiting, so it is pretty easy to say that ;)} It is coming together very nicely! So excited for you to be back to civilized living! =)

  3. Rachie says:

    Of course I love the new kitchen things (I am so happy for you!), but I have to admit my favorite part is your kids in various states of undress in the pictures. Very funny. 🙂

  4. Sarah says:

    I love that your house is looking like a house-good looking one too! I can’t wait to see more about this hutch. I hate that I missed the eclipse. Cool opportunity I let fly right out of the window. Boo. Very cool picture from you though!!

  5. Ashley says:

    I love this post – I love the eclipse picture (I didn’t know the shadows would do that), I love LOVE your hutch, and I love your kitchen sink. I have had a few times in life where things felt just right – so I understand how you felt and I could totally imagine you at your sink with the warm breeze scented of organge roses in the air. The thought of it even makes me happy. Thanks for sharing! I’m so excited for you – you are an inspiration.

  6. Heather says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the kitchen. I saw the window open and just imagined a cool breeze coming in. So excited for you. and so excited to see the hutch finished. It looks fantastic. What color will it be in the end?

  7. Kristin says:

    That’s so cool about the eclipse on your wall! David was pretty excited about it too and made a little thing where we could see the reflection. I LOVE LOVE the hutch! I am so happy for you to finally have a kitchen. It is looking great.

  8. Holly says:

    YAY!!! So happy that you finally have your sink! Everything looks great!

  9. Michelle says:

    I love the cabinets and the island! ooh la la! It’s going to be so great. I also love how May is topless and H is pulling his underwear down. Hilarious. SOooo much like my life.

  10. Maggie999 says:

    You got your kitchen sink! It’s going to be (and is) a beautiful kitchen! Can’t wait to see even more progress!