Our Biggest Mess Grand Tour: The House as Purchased

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This is the house that we bought!  To appreciate the remodeling that we are doing you have to understand what we started with.  Here is the grand tour of the house via pictures from September 2011.
The front of the house:
Don’t mind my baby heavy hind here.  It’s the only picture we have before we started!  It’s a looker isn’t it!  Dead grass, over grown everything, and a faded orange barn in the back… curb side appeal isn’t what got us inside.
Side door:
Back of the house:
Other corner view, back of the house:

Side view, opposite of side door:

Front with good view of the sweet giant swans (big selling point for me):

Garage that leans severely to the left and has a door that won’t shut:

Now to better understand what’s going on inside, here is a little “map” for you.  It’s not to scale or perfect but it helps with the orientation of things.  You can click on the image for a larger view.
Living Room view from the front door:
The open door goes into the “bedroom” that doesn’t have a closet.
Tiny Bedroom just off the living room at the front of the house:

View from living room, through kitchen, to side door:

Kitchen cabinets:

Kitchen dining area:

In the kitchen looking down the hall to the bonus room:
Bedroom on right and bathroom to the left of the hall.

Bathroom off of hall:
The big square that is blocking off the toilet is a chimney.

Same bathroom:

Bonus Room:

Bonus Room:

I’m so excited for you to see this process!  I’m having a hard time not posting everything in one day.

About Melissa

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  1. Heather says:

    Oh how much do i love that beautiful nature inspired wall paper in your now living/bed/dining/family room..hahahaha.

  2. Simonds Family says:

    Uhm, I am obsessed with this theme in your blogging. I look forward to seeing something new every day. I love, love, love it!

  3. Melissa says:

    The barn is poorly built, but in ok shape. It has the cutest loft upstairs in it – every child’s dream summer hide out! We have big plans for it too. I actually have most of my life stored in it so I sure hope it doesn’t fall over.

  4. Rob and Marseille says:

    i didn’t realize you had a huge barn in the backyard. is it about it fall over, or is it useable?

  5. Chrissi says:

    Wahoo Melissa! I love that you guys are taking on such a huge project, and I know that it’s going to look amazing. Seriously, you are the Young House Love of the west.