Our Biggest Mess: Adding a Master Bathroom

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Mornin’! I have so many picture of food and crafties in my “to be edited” folder, but by the looks of things you’d think I’d stopped cooking all together. This switch to WordPress is still keeping me so busy behind the scenes. I woke up at 4:30am last week, twice, just to work on the blog. Things are slowly coming together and I hope you aren’t too frustrated with any glitches; I really am trying to get it all worked out. Thanks for sticking it out with me, and I hope all the work will make the blog a better place for you in the end. Have you noticed the new “Backyard Chickens” tab?! I’m pretty excited about it. Again, you guys are great and thank you for being here.

I was on the phone yesterday with my sister and I mentioned something about plumbing, the house, and adding a master bathroom. She then told me that I needed more pictures of the progress because she couldn’t wait any longer. So, dear sister, and anyone else who loves a good house remodeling post, this is for you. I planned on sharing something tasty, but we’ll get to that tomorrow.

I showed you the beautiful newly vaulted ceilings in the soon-to-be master bedroom here.

And this is a bit of the progress we have made in adding a master bathroom to the new master bedroom:

You can see the back of the shower, the toilet, the pedestal sink, and the framed in doorway. To the right of the door will be a closet inside of the bathroom (but it will have its own sliding doors to access your clothes).

before and after pictures, how to install a pedestal sink

Here is the inside of the bathroom. The fixtures and such are pretty close to where they will actually be. It’s small, but we thought it was a great use of space. I’ve never lived somewhere with a master bathroom to call my own, but they are pretty popular and I assume wonderful.

adding a bathroom, how to install a toilet and sink, remodeling before and after pictures, bonus room makeover

Here’s looking out of the bathroom while standing where the closet will be. This view won’t last much longer because it should all be drywalled today. And, I spy with my little eye… a bathroom that is almost done in the hall. Details on that room soon.

master bedroom closet

And just because we can, a few more looks at the room:

vaulted ceiling, new windows, adding a vaulted ceiling

And we have grand plans for this fireplace too…

fireplace makeover before pictures, new sheet rock, drywalling, how to add drywall to home

We’ve been working, working, working on this project and it is coming together really nicely. I hope you all like the updates because I really enjoying sharing them. It is wonderful to have a place to share where all of our time goes and your kind comments always help me over the humps and through the rough patches. There are more remodeling posts on the way because I still have a bathroom and downstairs bedrooms to show you.

About Melissa

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  1. Crystal says:

    Wow, it is really shaping up and becoming a great master bedroom. I definately would paint the fireplace white since you will want it to be seen but not be obstructive. It will be a nice little sitting area there with a couple of comfy chairs.

  2. Lachelle says:

    Yea! Thanks sis! It’s looking A-MAZ-ING. We need to come visit before you move and sell it, so I can see it all in person.

  3. Sarah says:

    I love all the updates. 🙂 And that master looks GREAT. Wish I had it! 🙂

    One note on your WordPress switch over (great job by the way! If you need help, let me know!): When I read your blog in a reader, it only gives a snippet of the post, now. Personally I don’t like being forced to click through, if I don’t want to. I like clicking through sometimes (like for the chicken link!) but I’d rather make that decision myself and be able to read your whole post in a reader.

    1. Melissa says:

      Thanks Sarah. I’ll have to take a look. I think I had it do that because other sites can steal your content word for word when you don’t make it a snippet and I don’t get paid for your page view when you are in a reader 🙂 BUT I can probably make the change 🙂 Love feedback, so THANKS!

  4. Lynnette says:

    That is quite wonderful! And Master Bathrooms are TOTALLY all they are cracked up to be. 😉

  5. Bobi Jensen says:

    Good to see the updates!