Orange Pineapple Banana Smoothie

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You can’t go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie!

You can't go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie! #smoothie #fruitsmoothie #tropicalsmoothie #orange #pineapple #banana

Orange Pineapple Banana Smoothie

If your kiddos (or you) act like they could survive on fruit and fruit only, this smoothie will be your new best friend. It’s light and fruity and tropical and refreshing, aka everything a smoothie should be! Plus, with only four ingredients, it’s a breeze to whip up in the mornings (or midday… or afternoon… or for dessert… your choice!). You could even add a little Greek yogurt to make it slightly creamy and add a kick of protein to this heavenly bevvy.

My house is full of major smoothie fanatics. Smoothies are just such a simple fun and healthy treat that you can make endless renditions of — and if you want to get really creative, try pouring the blended-up mixture into popsicle molds and sticking them in the freezer for a few hours! Homemade popsicles will win you at least 5 “cool mom” points, and that’s a feat most of us can only dream of!

You can't go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie! #smoothie #fruitsmoothie #tropicalsmoothie #orange #pineapple #banana

How many servings do orange pineapple banana smoothies make?

This all depends on how much you pour into your smoothie glass to serve! With this recipe, I’d say you could make 3 to 4 medium-sized smoothies.

What do I do if my smoothie is too thick? What do I do if my smoothie is too thin?

If your smoothie ends up a little on the thick side, add some more pineapple juice, and blend it again. If it’s too thin and runny, add more ice and re-blend to incorporate and thicken it up.

Do you need to put ice in smoothies?

I guess you don’t NEED to, but this smoothie won’t be as cold and thick without ice. If you’d like, you can peel and freeze bananas so they’re ready to make smoothies and add the frozen element instead of ice.


You can't go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie! #smoothie #fruitsmoothie #tropicalsmoothie #orange #pineapple #banana


You can't go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie! #smoothie #fruitsmoothie #tropicalsmoothie #orange #pineapple #banana

You can't go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie! #smoothie #fruitsmoothie #tropicalsmoothie #orange #pineapple #banana

You can't go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie! #smoothie #fruitsmoothie #tropicalsmoothie #orange #pineapple #banana

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orange pineapple banana smoothies

Orange Pineapple Banana Smoothie

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  • Author: Melissa Griffiths - Bless this Mess
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 4 small smoothies 1x


You can’t go wrong with the refreshing and tropical flavors of this orange pineapple banana smoothie!


  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 cups pineapple juice
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/3 cup orange juice concentrate


  1. Combine everything in the blender, and process until smooth.
  2. If it is too thin, add a little more ice, and re-blend. If it is too thick, add a little more pineapple juice.
  3. If it seems a little bland, add a spoonful of orange juice concentrate. You can’t mess this up. 🙂
  • Prep Time: 10 min
  • Category: drink
  • Method: blender
  • Cuisine: American

Other smoothie recipes you’ll love:

This post was originally published in 2012, and has been updated and rephotographed in July 2019.

My orange pineapple banana smoothie is a fun blend of your favorite tropical fruits and is a perfect fruity snack or breakfast any day of the week!

About Melissa

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  1. Maressa says:

    I just came upon your blog and can’t stop reading it.First, I like your title. Like your family I have smoothies 4-5 days a week. I also use the same super foods you mentioned. I didn’t’ know they were called that. We have such similar interests.

  2. crystal says:

    I never would have thought of smoothies for breakfast, it will certainly add some excitement to our cereal!