Currently: Snowy Edition

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It’s snowy out there today! Here’s what I’m excited about, thinking, dreaming of, eating, drinking, wanting, and loving lately.


Excited… to tell you about a new Facebook group that I just started. It’s called Friends of Bless this Mess, and it’s a place for you to get behind the scenes peeks at up coming projects. It will also be a place where I can ask you questions and get your input. I think this will be a great place for me to better understand how I can help you and to get information on your wants and needs, and that will give me direction on how I can help! If you’d like to be a part of the group, just ask to join here. No pressure! Only join if it’s something you are really interested in.

Thinking… of spring, gardening, new chicks, my kids playing outside, and sunshine. Is the snow ready to melt yet? This mom needs her kids to play outside more.

Feeling… grateful. This blog has reached almost a half million people in the last 30 days and it’s because of you. It’s because you share what I have written and people come because of your recommendations. Thank you. That means SO much to me. I’m so grateful to have a job where I can “work the fringes” (meaning I work early mornings, nap time, and nighttime) and still be here for my kids when they need me. The blog is such a blessing to our young family, and all of your comments, sharing, emails, and kindness have meant so much to me personally. You da best.

WatchingThis is Us. I don’t have a TV, but you can watch the show via the NBC app on a smartphone! It’s a guilty pleasure I save for the nights Thomas isn’t home, and I’m really loving it.

silly faces

ReadingLittle Women. Can you believe I’ve never read it before? I made a goal to read a book a month for this year and that is what my January book was. I didn’t finish it though so I’m trying to hurry through it so that I can start my February book (So You Want to Raise a Boy), which I’m really looking forward to.

Missing… the beach, seafood, and sunshine. Can you tell I’m ready for summer? We took the kids to the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama last summer and they loved it. We were sitting at the table eating tuna for lunch and my five-year-old excitedly asked if I remembered eating crab claws. It’s so funny what they remember and when they remember it, but he sure did get me dreaming of white sand and warmth today.

Gulf Shores

Wondering… what you’d like to see more of. Snacks, healthy, treats, easy dinners, slow cooker?!?! What do you need more of in your life?

Working… on my new site! It’s going to be so pretty and so functional. You are going to love it!

Stressed… about the logistics of leaving 5 kids while Thomas and I go to a hardware store conference in New Orleans next month. The company pays for the travel/accommodations, so we thought we’d make a long weekend out of it. I’m really looking forward to going (and eating), but making plans for all of the kids is rough. I’m also preparing myself to nip my mom guilt in the bud. I’m going on this trip and I’m going to enjoy it (and not spend the whole time worrying about my little people). Mama needs a break and that’s ok, right?!



Wanting… for you fellow mamas to tell me what diaper to buy to get my 18 month old through the night without leaking everywhere. He’s chubby (maybe 30 pounds) and has an 8 ounce bottle before bed still. I just bought size 6 (!!!) diapers (Huggies and Costco brand) and he’s still waking up soaked in the morning. I have to bathe him every morning and wash his bedding every day. I’m unwilling to wake up in the middle of the night to change him. Is there any hope for us? I assume not giving him a bottle before bed would help, but I’m just not ready to cross that bridge yet. I’ve never had a baby take a bottle before and Squishy LOVES his, so that isn’t really an option right now either. Will I be washing sheets daily for a while?

Wishing… the same wish that I’ve had in my heart for so many years. That I had a house of my own. Getting closer and still wishing my wish.

Snowy Day

Eating… all the vegetables! I’ve been doing so well with eating healthy for the past few weeks and it all starts with filling up my plate with vegetable first and then adding in things. I haven’t cut out any major food groups, but I am trying to crowd out things like white flour and sugar with healthier things like vegetables, plant-based proteins, and fruit. It’s a well rounded way of eating and I’m enjoying myself. That being said, I’m recipe testing small batch brownies and I’m not sad about it. They are going to be the perfect indulgent little treat for you without the leftovers to annoy you later. Be excited!

Drinking… water from a stainless steel bottle in the fridge. So cold; so tasty.

LovingGourmet Garden. Have you tried them?! They are chopped up herbs in a tube and last forever! Great option for the winter months when herbs aren’t growing in the garden or for when you live in the middle of no where and there are no fresh herbs available. I’m loving them! I use the Italian blend all the time and I’m loving the “lightly dried” herbs too, which last forever. I’m pretty excited about this product.


Proud… oh my Mr. Henry. He spent weeks before Christmas hand sewing plush monsters for everyone in the family. The turned out so cute and he was so excited to watch everyone open his gifts to them on Christmas morning. He has such a giant heart. I sure like that kid.

About Melissa

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  1. Anna says:

    I love both of those books! Little Women has been my favorite since I was young (so much wisdom mixed in with the wonderful stories), and my sons’ teacher recommended So You Want to Raise a Boy a few years ago–it helped me understand my boys so much better! Time to get it out again…my 12-year-old is navigating junior high and we’re dealing with lots of emotions. :-/ Totally worth the time!

    1. Melissa says:

      I’m so glad to hear it was useful. I’m excited to start it!

  2. SHM says:

    I have a friend and all 4 of her children wet the bed until they were 10 or 12! Mine almost NEVER did! I am convinced it has to be something genetic.

    1. Melissa says:

      I had a brother who was a very late bed wetter too. I bet that plays a big role!

    1. Melissa says:

      You’re the best. THANK YOU!

  3. deb c says:

    My nephews, 6 & 8 rarely made it thru the night until recently. My sister hooked them up to a Rodger bedwetting alarm…an older model, passed down thru many households I am guessing. In 10 days, the dry mornings began, permanently. I can inquire about the future of the machine if you want. Won’t help Squishy yet…..I like the idea of slowly decreasing the liquid amount…..all though, I gave the 8 year old no liquids, 3 hours before bed….he still flooded the place come morning! Good luck! On another note…..I love “currently” posts. And I have never read “Little Women” either…oopsie! PS….HEY HENRY…Your monsters rule!!!!!

    1. Melissa says:

      I’d love to know more! It might help the almost 6 year old. I still have 3 in diapers at night and I wouldn’t be sad to help him through the night. And I told Henry about your comment and he just beamed his little dimpled beam 🙂

  4. Beka says:

    Sounds like everything is going well 🙂 I’m glad! Ok, confession time. I have a 6 year old who still wets the bed maybe half the nights. My solution for her is Huggies Goodnights. I’ve tried the Huggies overnight diapers for littler kids, because they’re cheaper. But my best bet for “pees like a racehorse” children is the goodnights. As far as what I need, I need more crock pot meals in my life that don’t have dairy! I don’t use my crock pot very often because we get tired of the same old things all the time. I’m glad your house is in the works <3

    1. Melissa says:

      I’m glad I’m not alone. My almost 6 year old is still wetting every single night and I was starting to worry, but a friend said it’s really not an issue until boys are like 10 or 12 or something. I guess bed wetting is still really normal though it is kinda hard sometimes. I’m going to look into those, thank you! I’m on the dairy free slow cooker recipes friend! Hope you are well, Melissa

  5. Diane says:

    This child and his sewn monsters!!! So amazing and wonderful!!

    1. Melissa says:

      He worked SO diligently on them. It was so much fun to watch him work. He’s got a bit old heart, that boy!

  6. Marseille says:

    I am excited abt the small batch brownies. I tried mel’s cafe on brownies & they were soo good, but i kept eating them.course, the kids loved them in their lunches, so maybe I just need to excercise my self control.

    Abt the night diapers, you could try cutting the bottle by an ounce every few nights. I’ve heard they make diaper inserts (think a big pad). Also, I’ve found when my kids wear fleece jammies w/no onesie, they don’t get woken up by the wetness.

    1. Melissa says:

      They are going to be delicious brownies! I’m going to have to look for the inserts. And you are right about the onsie. If it’s just the jammies, he doesn’t even notice!

  7. Rebecca says:

    Try putting a toddler sized cloth diaper (try prefolds and plastic pants for a cheap solution) over the disposable. It will save your sanity.

    1. Melissa says:

      I think that’s going to be the route we go! Much less wash than the full load of blankets and sheets I’m doing daily now! Thank you!

  8. Michelle says:

    You have no TV in your house? I think that is wonderful even though I have 8. I had one child who didn’t watch TV as a child and he is adult now except for sports once in awhile that is it for him. Good for you.

    1. Melissa says:

      We don’t have a real TV but we do have a computer and my phone with Netflix, so my kids do get screen time almost daily. So it’s not quiet as hardcore as it sounds 🙂 We are planning on getting a bigger TV for our house too so that we can watch movies and have friends over.

  9. Summer pickering says:

    Target brand diapers ! Noah still present his bed at night and they never leak. I’d give them a try at least 🙂 I like you!

    1. Melissa says:

      Will do, thank you! Squishy has two older brothers that are still in diapers at night (we don’t seem to night train very quickly) but both the 3 and 5 year old don’t leak, it’s just him. LOL. Isn’t that weird?!