Cheater Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

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For bakers and non-bakers alike, these chocolate chip cookie bars come together effortlessly with the use of a cake mix and a handful of additional ingredients!

For bakers and non-bakers alike, these chocolate chip cookie bars come together effortlessly with the use of a cake mix and a handful of additional ingredients!

These Cheater Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars couldn’t be simpler.  You start with a cake mix and add a few more things, and voila! You’ll look like a pro baker with minimal effort and time. That’s why these have “cheater” in the name–they practically make themselves.

Not only do they come together in a hurry, but they are so, so good. They stay soft and moist, and pair just exquisitely with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. And don’t be nervous about the cake mix; they aren’t cake-y in flavor when you are done, and the mix allows you to get a solid head-start on this easy-as-piecake recipe.

Cookie bars take all the goodness of cookies and turn them into a simplified single-layer dessert. Rather than having to roll dough into balls and bake all the cookies separately, you simply pour your cookie batter into a greased baking dish. It allows you to make a bulk dessert that’s easy to travel with and share with others!

Wait until your cookie bars have cooled for at least 20 minutes and the chocolate drizzle has settled before cutting into them. You don’t want them to be too warm that they lose their shape or the chocolate slides off into a gooey mess. (Although, isn’t that the best sort of mess?)

These are such a fantastic dessert to bring to gatherings or potlucks, and if you have any remaining afterwards, they’ll keep for up to a week covered in the fridge! You can also freeze them for a month or two, and they’ll be just fine.

For bakers and non-bakers alike, these chocolate chip cookie bars come together effortlessly with the use of a cake mix and a handful of additional ingredients!


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For bakers and non-bakers alike, these chocolate chip cookie bars come together effortlessly with the use of a cake mix and a handful of additional ingredients!

Cheater Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

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  • Author: Melissa Griffiths - Bless this Mess
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: Makes 24 bars 1x


For bakers and non-bakers alike, these cookie bars come together effortlessly with the use of a cake mix and a handful of additional ingredients!


  • 1 package yellow cake mix (I used Betty Crocker)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 cups chocolate chips, divided
  • 1 tablespoon shortening or coconut oil


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the cake mix, eggs, brown sugar, melted butter, and water.
  3. Stir in 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips.
  4. Spread into a greased 9×13-inch pan.
  5. Bake for 18 to 22 minutes, or until light brown.
  6. In a small bowl, melt shortening (or coconut oil) and the remaining 1/2 cup of chocolate chips in the microwave; drizzle over the top (or just spread it if you don’t feel like drizzling).
  7. Cut into bars and enjoy!


  • I don’t have luck with store brand or cheap cake mixes. I used a Betty Crocker one and it had great results.
  • You can use milk, semi-sweet, or dark chocolate chips, or a combination, depending on your preferences.
  • Prep Time: 10 min
  • Cook Time: 20 min
  • Category: dessert
  • Method: bake
  • Cuisine: American

For bakers and non-bakers alike, these chocolate chip cookie bars come together effortlessly with the use of a cake mix and a handful of additional ingredients!

Other chocolate chip cookie recipes you will love:

Other cake mix dessert recipes that make baking a snap:

I had a girlfriend come visit last weekend, and it’s been a decade since we’ve seen each other. She told me that this is her easy, go-to recipe for treats and one that she makes over and over again. It made my day!

This recipe was originally published in February 2012 and has been updated, rephotographed, and republished in April 2019.

About Melissa

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  1. Deborah says:

    We’ve been making these for almost a decade, love the update with the coconut oil option. My husband requests these every year for his birthday in lieu of a cake. Simple, and delicious!

  2. Laura Eller says:

    Melissa, love this recipe! And, I found your blog as I was looking for a good recipe and recognized you from Bountiful Court, years back. You were about to be married. Anyway, I really looked up to you and appreciated your great example. How neat that 5+ years later, you bless my life again! Thank you! Laura Eller (I lived in apt. 11 with Amanda, Carrie, Ashley, Sarah and Taylor)

    1. Laura Eller says:

      I guess back then I was Laura Packer, in case that jogs any memories šŸ™‚

    2. Melissa @ Bless This Mess says:

      Ahh. That name change did throw me for a loop Packer! Yes! How the heck are you! I’m so pleased to meet back up. You are way to nice, I’m just an uber dork who likes to cook and blog šŸ™‚ Thank you though. I checked out the family blog and holy cute, you’ve done well. Let’s keep in touch…

  3. Simonds Family says:

    Just made these to take with dinner to a sister in our ward. Only problem is there is still half the pan left…looks like I will be having a 10lb baby!

  4. MyFudoā„¢ says:

    Thanks for this cheat sheet! šŸ˜‰ Looks really delicious…

  5. Lindsay Marie says:

    Melissa, these look great! I’m going to pin them for a rainy day šŸ™‚ I’m enjoying “Bless this Mess”. Keep up the good work!!

    1. Melissa says:

      Hurray for Pinterest! And thank you for coming… it would be a lonely blog without readers!