The Best Ways to Set Up a Hummingbird Feeder

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Want to invite more hummingbirds to your outdoor space? Check out the best ways to set up a hummingbird feeder for all the tips and tricks to doing it right.

The Best Ways to Set Up a Hummingbird Feeder

I love the kooky and colorful creatures that are hummingbirds. This summer, I’ve shared some of my favorite tips for attracting hummingbirds and how to make the best hummingbird food so you can experience the magic of these majestic little guys in your own backyard or garden. It’s only fitting that we talk about the best way to set up your own hummingbird feeder so that you can invite even more of these flitting and fluttering beauties into your outdoors space! (Hint: It’s easy to get it right once you have a few pointers under your belt!)

Where you put the feeder matters because one that’s badly positioned could leak and attract insects or pests, the food might spoil more quickly, or feeding hummingbirds may be more susceptible to predators. Poor placement could also mean that the birds can’t even see or find the feeder, or it might be inconveniently located for you to remember to clean and refill it. And we don’t want any of that!

A well-placed feeder becomes a trusty food source for famished hummers, a pretty yard accent, and a fun view for hummingbird watchers to take in the sight of these little ones eating. So, without further ado, let’s jump into how to get the perfect hummingbird feeder placement.

Tips for Setting Up a Hummingbird Feeder:

1. Make it noticeable for them. For as little as they are, hummingbirds have incredible eyesight, but they still may not be able to easily find a feeder that’s tucked into bushes or beneath a deep porch roof. Placing it next to other red colors, like bright red flowers, will help them find it easier, as well as placing it somewhere it can catch some light and sun reflections.

2. Make it convenient for you. Because it’s best to clean and refill feeders at least 1 to 2 times a week, it should be in a spot easy for you to get to. Put it close to your deck or patio, and avoid putting it in the back of a garden bed or the far side of your yard if possible.

3. Create a safe environment. Hang the feeder high enough that cats or other preying animals can’t jump up to reach it. Also, be sure to keep them far enough away from windows that the birds can avoid glass collisions. If it is near a window, try adorning your window with a few decals to inform the birds that there’s a barrier there. Hummingbirds can be territorial, so setting up a few feeders spread out around your yard helps them have their own spaces and avoid aggression. (This will also attract even more hummers to your yard!)

4. Keep it out of the elements. Keeping them in protected areas is also a good idea for hummingbird feeders so that rain doesn’t contaminate the food, and wind doesn’t knock them down. Also, try to keep feeders out of any high traffic areas or walkways so people don’t accidentally bump them.

5. Shade is your friend. Hummingbird food spoils easier in direct sunlight and extreme heat, which will deter the creatures from wanting to visit and feed at your setup. Even if it gets some sunlight, try to place it somewhere where it’s at least shaded from the afternoon sun, which is the hottest.

6. Give it a little space. It’s common for hummingbirds to hover as they feed, so a feeder that’s nestled among thick branches or right up against a wall isn’t easy for them to maneuver around. Try to place it somewhere they can fly around the entire feeder, as that’s how they protect it from other birds.

7. Best places to set up a hummingbird feeder: In a hummingbird garden with lots of brightly colored, tubular plants; from a gutter or awning, where it’s visible but shaded; or near a tree, so they can perch and rest easily when needed.

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I hope you’ve gotten all kinds of inspo and tips for the best ways to set up a hummingbird feeder in your own yard! Give them a try, and watch as these bright beauties flock to your outside spaces!


About Melissa

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1 Comment

  1. Jane burke says:

    the hummingbirds love the recipe. Thank you so very much
    we get to watch them from are kitchen window