5 Easy Turkey Crafts for Kids

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These 5 quick and easy turkey crafts for kids are made with things you already have at home. Great for preschool, a snow day, or while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook!

Turkey Crafts for Kids Image

My kids love to craft; I’ve trained them well. I wanted them to make some fun Thanksgiving-themed things for friends, grandparents, and our fridge. We ended up with a couple of different fun projects that I wanted to share.

I also like to have a few fun crafts ready for all of the cousins to work on while dinner is coming together on Thanksgiving Day, so some of these were our trial run for Turkey Day. I did some other fun fall crafts for kids awhile back, so if you are in the market, you’ll like those ideas too.

I hope you have time to make a few of these because they were quick to put together and really cute. Happy Turkey Day to you!

5 Easy Turkey Crafts for Kids

1. Leafy Tail Turkey:

I have a little leaf punch that makes paper leaves about an inch long. We punched out a bunch of colored leaves and the kids went to town turning them into turkey feathers. If you have access to a larger die-cut of a leaf, you could do something similar but bigger.

5 quick and easy turkey crafts for kids made with things you already have at home. Great for preschool, a cold day in, or to make while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook!

2. Spiral Noodles Tail:

How easy is this one? It’s just the colored spiral pasta glued on for a turkey tail. My kids ate as much dried crunchy pasta as they glued on the paper. Weirdos! You really can’t go wrong with one this easy. I think next time I’ll get a bag of 15 Bean Soup mix and let them add some colorful dried beans to the turkey body too.

5 quick and easy turkey crafts for kids made with things you already have at home. Great for preschool, a cold day in, or to make while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook!

3. Pistachio Tail Feathers:

We were eating pistachios the other day and I saved the shells just because. When we were turkey crafting we found a simple use for them. The kids liked coloring them before we glued them on; painting them would be another good option. Plus, who doesn’t love to eat a pistachio?
5 quick and easy turkey crafts for kids made with things you already have at home. Great for preschool, a cold day in, or to make while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook!

4. Turkey Yourself:

This one was my favorite because it was hilarious! Hopefully my mom will get these in the mail before she sees this post. 🙂  I just cut pictures of the kids up and used their heads in place of a turkey head. Adding a comb, a fat turkey body and legs, and some feathers was all this needed. I added a little note that said “Happy Thanksgiving! Love your favorite Turkeys!” And yes, I used “favorite” in reference to grandkids. Don’t tell my siblings.

5 quick and easy turkey crafts for kids made with things you already have at home. Great for preschool, a cold day in, or to make while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook!

Ok, so I spelled turkeys wrong when I wrote it… hopefully my mom doesn’t judge my spelling. And here’s a closer look just because it’s so cute. Isn’t that a riot!

funny turkey craft, paper turkey craft with pictures

5. Popsicle Stick Turkey:

The kids love to paint, so this was their personal favorite. I had some Popsicle sticks with notches in them (I think you are supposed to be able to build something with them…), and the notches resembled feathers to me, so paint them we did. Add a cute turkey body to the top of the feather tail and you have yourself a fun little turkey for the fridge.

5 quick and easy turkey crafts for kids made with things you already have at home. Great for preschool, a cold day in, or to make while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook!

These easy turkey crafts are perfect for Thanksgiving Day, preschool, home, or even a classroom. Enjoy, and craft on.

This post was originally published in November 2012 and has been updated in November 2015.

About Melissa

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  1. Cadieux et Langevin says:

    Love the idea..this is fun for kids!

  2. Amy Hines says:

    Doing this for parents!

  3. Happy Home Fairy says:

    These are so cute! My favorite are the ‘Turkey Yourself’ ones! Too funny!

  4. Sherry says:

    I love these ideas!!! Thanks for posting! Have a great day 🙂